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Thursday, August 26, 2010

All things Tweet and Twisty!

Some attempts at Twitter sized stories with Twists!

1.“So…This is my 1st shot at a twitter story”
I stopped.
Dr.Aki-my creator-added with pride:
“Zeno 2.0 will be able to add a twist at the end”

2.“Teacher, please, let me add that second line”
“But 2 hours was enough time for a test on a very short story”, she pulled my answer paper.

3. “Eureka!”
Dr. Arch ran out of his pool buoyantly…
The balcony rails dared not stop him....
He felt less thrust in air all the 19 floors down…..

4. Recipe for a twitter story:
“Think of a situation”
“Now Add a twist”
“Now Tweak it to fit twitter”
“Done…Oh. Where is my story?”

1 comment:

  1. So you decided to tweet in a Blog?

    sounds oxymoron

    Do you mean Small is beautiful?
    Or even a small thing, like a tweet, is beautiful?

    I like your tweet-tories

    Do'nt stop short keep it going.

    Here is my take:

    Hari is blogging
    OMG What??
    No actually he is tweeting.
